How A Calgary Cosmetic Dentist Can Make Sure Your Dental Implants Last

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How A Calgary Cosmetic Dentist Can Make Sure Your Dental Implants Last

Dental implants are very common, and millions of Canadian have them. There are several reasons why you might need dental implants, and the idea of getting them can be intimidating. But dental implants can change the quality of your life for the better, particularly if you have suffered severe damage to your teeth and mouth. If you do get dental implants, a professional Calgary cosmetic dentist will inform you how to care for them properly. But if you need some quick tips, here are the best ways to care for your dental implants to ensure they last. Even though dental implants are common, many of those who have them are mainly unaware of the best ways to care for them to ensure they last. If taken care of carefully, your dental implants can last you a lifetime. However, if not properly cared for, you may experience some issues and even the need for replacement implants.

Tips For Dental Implant Care by Calgary Cosmetic Dentist

Many of these care tips are similar to how you would care for your natural teeth. There isn’t that much difference. Here are some top tips for caring for your implants properly.

  • Keep Them Very Clean. Maintain great daily dental routines, such as brushing twice a day for two minutes. Bacteria that accumulate in your mouth can make your gums swell and cause severe damage to your dental implant.
  • Keep Them Protected. Despite their strength and durability, your dental implants can still get damaged. To maintain your restored smile without accidentally damaging it, use toothpaste that is low abrasive and toothbrushes with soft bristles.
  • Regularly See Your Dentist. A regular dental checkup can remove bacteria that may be hiding in hard-to-reach places. Furthermore, a Calgary cosmetic dentist can evaluate the condition of your dental implants and identify any underlying problems as early as possible. This can help to prevent any issues from becoming painful or problematic.

What Happens If I Don’t Properly Care For My Dental Implants?

Implant failures can still happen even though studies show dental implants to be very strong and durable. While your implants aren’t at risk of cavities like natural teeth, they can still be in danger of other problems due to plaque buildup. The bacteria from plaque can accumulate around your implant, which can cause a response from your immune system as it infects the gums surrounding it. So, if you don’t properly care for your implants, you could still experience painful issues with your gums. When your gums are inflamed, they can affect your jawbone and weaken it. This can cause implants to loosen and fall out if the bone surrounding them has become damaged. Therefore, keeping your implants clean and protected from infections is an absolute necessity. If you’re concerned about the health of your mouth, contact a Calgary cosmetic dentist and ask them to take a look.

Dental implants give millions of people who would otherwise struggle a beaming, healthy, strong smile and teeth. But just like with natural teeth, they need to be properly cared for to stay healthy. For more information on dental implants and how to care for them, it’s best to contact a professional Calgary cosmetic dentist.

Dr. Arash Ravanbakhsh is a Calgary General Dentist. He is not a specialist in Cosmetic Dentistry, Family Dentistry, or Orthodontics. Cosmetic Dentistry & Family Dentistry are not specialties recognized by the Alberta Dental Association & College (ADA&C). As a general dentist, he provides cosmetic dental procedures such as porcelain veneers, dental crowns, dental braces, and teeth whitening as part of his General Dentistry license. As a Calgary Family Dentist, he provides General Dental procedures for all ages within the family.

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About Author

Dr. Arash Ravanbakhsh is a skilled Calgary dentist passionate about oral health. Graduating from the University of Alberta, he brings advanced dental knowledge to Inglewood Family Dental. Dedicated to patient care, Dr. Arash also volunteers his time on dental missions, improving oral health globally.