Sleep Apnea Treatment Near You

To stay healthy and happy, a good night’s sleep is crucial. Catching enough ZZZZs also helps solidify information in your memory, allows your body to heal, and rejuvenates you, so you have the energy to take on a new day. If you’re dealing with any challenges with your sleep, contact a sleep specialist or your local dentist. They can help address the situation by providing an effective treatment tailored to your needs. At our local dental clinic in Calgary, we offer sleep apnea treatment in Calgary; contact our team today!


The Truth Behind the Condition

Sleep apnea is characterized as a disorder that impacts one’s ability to breathe while in bed. The air in your throat becomes blocked by the tissues residing there, obstructing your body’s access to oxygen. In response to this, your brain will initial a signal that wakes you up.

Individuals with sleep apnea wake up multiple times in the night; however, they may not even be aware that this is occurring. But you’ll experience the consequences of a restless sleep come the morning.

Symptoms to be Aware of

Here are some routine symptoms that can arise:

In the short term:

  • Bruxism
  • Snoring
  • Increased dental decay
  • Gum disease
  • Dry mouth and throat

In the long term:

  • Fatigue during the day
  • Poor concentration
  • Depression
  • Hypertension

If you’re asking yourself, “Do I need to acquire sleep apnea treatment near me?” it’s better to be cautious and reach out to a healthcare professional. They can discuss your situation and provide you with a proper diagnose to set your mind at ease.

Forms of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can be classified into three different categories:

  • Central sleep apnea — When your brain can’t send the right signals to your muscles that allow you to breathe. This means you’ll cease breathing for a small period, triggering you to wake up needing air. It can be difficult to fully fall asleep.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea — OSA occurs when the muscles of your throat relax too severely, causing your airway to become narrow. This is the most common form of sleep apnea.
  • Complex sleep apnea syndrome — When an individual is suffering from both CSA and OSA.

Individuals with sleep apnea wake up multiple times in the night; however, they may not even be aware that this is occurring. But you’ll experience the consequences of a restless sleep come the morning.

Treating the Condition

Sleep apnea treatment in Calgary can look different from patient to patient due to personal needs, preferences, and one’s current oral and general health status.

Did you know that dentists can help with this disorder? That’s right! Depending on the circumstances, they can provide customized devices that allow patients to breathe and sleep more soundly. Examples include night guards or appliances that keep your jaw in the correct position, permitting your airway to be wider. For more serious cases, a CPAP device may be recommended or surgery,

Every appointment will begin with a comprehensive evaluation of your oral cavity, x-rays, and routine questions about your case, medical history, and goals. If you prove to be a good candidate for a sleep apnea device, they’ll make molds of your smile to ensure it meets your dimensions and fits comfortably.

Visit Us for Reliable, Long-Lasting Care

If you’re wondering, “Where can I obtain trustworthy and effective sleep apnea treatment near me?” you’re in luck! Our expert staff is at your service! It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to remedy your sleeping disorder or schedule a regular dental check-up; we can help you get back to experiencing positive health and wellness.

Give our dental clinic in Inglewood a call today!

The Process



Talk about your health and sleep problems with the doctor.



Do a sleep test to check if you have sleep apnea.


Treatment Plan

Create a plan to treat your sleep apnea based on the results.


Device Fitting

Get a comfortable CPAP or mouth device to help you sleep.



Visit the professional regularly to see how treatment is working.


Lifestyle Changes

Discuss habits that might be beneficial in sleep apnea.


Ongoing Support

Get help and care to manage your sleep apnea at every step.



Assesses the effectiveness of the treatment being implemented and adjusts it if necessary.

The Benefits

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