Baby Root Canal: What Parents Should Know

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What Parents Should Know About Baby Root Canal | Pulpotomy in Calgary

Baby root canals are more common most parents realize. Baby teeth will eventually fall out, but until they fall out on their own it’s necessary to maintain those teeth and keep them in good shape and that can include doing a baby root canal if necessary. A baby root canal procedure is usually done when a child’s baby tooth had a cavity that is so deep it has reached the nerve and is causing the child a lot of pain or when the cavity has compromised the structure of the tooth. Occasionally the cavity will become infected and fill with pus. In that case a root canal must be done immediately in order to clear out the infection before it causes serious medical problems. Parents usually have a lot of questions when it comes to children’s root canals like:

Will My Child Be In Pain?

During the baby root canal your child will be given anesthetic to prevent any pain. Usually a local anesthetic is all that is needed but full sedation may be an option as well. Your child shouldn’t feel any pain during the procedure, although the child may feel some pain afterward. Ibuprofen or other pain relievers are usually enough to care of the immediate pain and the pain should go away quickly.

The infected or damaged pulp in the tooth can cause a lot of pain in children, so the sooner the baby root canal is done the sooner your child will be out of pain.

Won’t The Tooth Just Fall Out Anyway?

Eventually your child’s baby tooth will fall out on its own. However, until that time the tooth needs to be healthy and taken care of. Removing the tooth too early can cause permanent jaw damage and misalignment of teeth. Even though the tooth is a temporary one it’s important to have the root canal done to preserve the structure of the tooth.

Having the tooth in place is essential so that as the adult teeth come in they will have the right spacing and placement. That’s why it’s better to have the baby root canal done instead of just waiting for the tooth to fall out.

How Do I Know My Child Needs An Emergency Root Canal?

If your child is young enough that you are brushing their teeth for them you will be able to see the cavity in your child’s teeth.

As soon as you notice a cavity call and schedule a dental appointment so that the dentist can assess how far the cavity goes and the health of the tooth. The primary indicator that your child might need a root canal is that the child is having a lot of intense tooth pain.

If your child has a fever, seems lethargic, and is complaining that their mouth or teeth hurt call to get the child seen by a dentist right away. Also if you notice a foul smell like infection or pus in the child’s mouth there’s a good chance the child will need a baby root canal and the child should be seen by a dentist right away.

How Can I Prevent My Child Needing A Root Canal?

If the tooth is damaged by an accident or injury there’s really no way to prevent it. However, parents can prevent root canals that are necessary because of neglect or poor dental hygiene.

If your child is young and you are brushing their teeth make sure that you are brushing at least twice a day and that child isn’t getting a cavity.

Give them healthy meals and snacks to help prevent cavities. If the child is old enough to brush on their own make sure that they are actually brushing their teeth and not just pretending.

If you notice a cavity or if your child is showing symptoms of an infection call us here at Inglewood Family Dental right away. We are open on Sundays and during the evenings so that you can find an appointment time that works for you.

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About Author

Dr. Arash Ravanbakhsh is a skilled Calgary dentist passionate about oral health. Graduating from the University of Alberta, he brings advanced dental knowledge to Inglewood Family Dental. Dedicated to patient care, Dr. Arash also volunteers his time on dental missions, improving oral health globally.