Calgary Dentist Explains Sensitive Teeth Treatment

One of the most common dental issues that people deal with is known as teeth sensitivity, or when you have sensitive teeth. This phenomenon causes a sharp, sudden sensation in the mouth, specifically around the teeth, when surrounded by extreme temperatures or conditions. Because this is such a common issue in society, there are plenty of remedies and treatment options for you. Oftentimes, speaking to a dentist can help you develop a course of action for treating and managing the pain caused by your sensitive teeth. For more information about sensitive teeth treatment and how to properly care for your teeth, keep reading below.


There are plenty of different reasons for which you may be able to determine if you require sensitive teeth treatment. First of all, if exposed to extreme temperatures, you’re likely to feel a sharp pain. For example, if you’re drinking hot tea or eating ice cream, your teeth may feel as if the nerves are lighting up.

The second symptom of dental sensitivity can be if you experience pain when eating sweet or acidic foods. If you already have delicate nerves, adding foods that have high levels of sweet and acidic ingredients can cause pain because they can work themselves past the partially decayed enamel. Lastly, if cold winds affect your teeth, such as when you breathe sharp in your mouth, you’re likely experiencing hypersensitive teeth.


Tooth sensitivity can happen to anybody at any time, so there is no particular group of people who is more affected by this dental issue. There are multiple causes of tooth sensitivity, and oftentimes, a combination of them leads to the issue. First of all, if you brush your teeth too hard, you could be wearing down the enamel on your tooth and exposing the more sensitive nerves. This is similar to tooth grinding, which also wears the enamel down in a similar manner.

Next, if you have gum issues like gingivitis or periodontal disease, you are more likely to have tooth sensitivity. Chipped or broken teeth, along with plaque buildup, can cause pain from dental sensitivity as well. All of these mentioned issues, especially if combined with another, significantly increase the likeliness of you becoming susceptible to sensitive teeth.


If you visit a dentist to learn more about sensitive teeth treatment, they’re likely to provide you with various different routes, as this is a very curable oral issue. Most commonly, there are four types of treatment.

The first is called fluoride treatment and involves fluoride being directly applied to the surface of the teeth. Fluoride is known to strengthen enamel and protect dentin, making this a great treatment choice.

The second is getting your roots covered. This option is great for those who deal with exposed roots from a receding gum line.

A sealant will be placed on top of the tooth’s root, which ensures that it will not directly contact external environments. Next, if you grind your teeth, your dentist may recommend you get fitted for a mouth or night guard. These prevent your teeth from pressing on and scraping against one another, ultimately saving your enamel. If all else fails, a fourth option is receiving a root canal. By removing the pulp of the tooth, you’ll no longer feel sensitivity, as there would be no nerves to be affected. Whichever treatment option you and your dentist determine best for you, you’re sure to have positive results.

Prevention of Sensitive Teeth

If you’re trying to avoid the need for sensitive teeth treatment, it is important to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and perform daily oral cleansing. This decreases the bad bacteria in your mouth which could lead to enamel decay. Maintaining proper dental hygiene and avoiding acidic foods can save your teeth from the pain. If you’re having trouble with oral sensitivity, be sure to visit your Calgary dentist today to create a treatment plan.

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