Good Oral Hygiene Habits to Keep Your Mouth Healthy

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Oral Hygiene Habits to Keep Your Mouth Healthy

A healthy mouth requires care and dedication to oral health habits. In addition to your regular dentist appointments, you should be including oral hygiene habits in your daily routine.

Poor oral hygiene can lead to a vast amount of diseases and issues. Tooth decay, also referred to as dental caries, affects almost half the world’s population. Tooth decay occurs from bacterial buildup in a person’s mouth. The accumulation progresses to dental plaque and leads to oral diseases like gum disease and periodontitis.

Preventive dental care is the secret to maintaining oral hygiene.

How to Keep Your Mouth and Teeth Healthy

The best habits you should always have in your routine are brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing regularly and maintaining your toothbrush correctly. Your teeth may look clean and bright, but it’s essential to be mindful of your overall oral health. You should have the right products and the motivation to continue following these oral hygiene habits.

Improve Your Tooth-Brushing Technique

Most people learn to brush their teeth in early childhood. However, despite brushing your teeth for almost your entire life, you still may not know the best techniques to clean your teeth.

First, choose an effective toothbrush. Stores offer various toothbrush brands and styles, and it can be overwhelming to see the selection. Which toothbrush is best for you?

Ideally, a toothbrush will share these features:

  • Your toothbrush should have soft bristles. The ADA suggests soft-bristled toothbrushes because they help prevent gingival abrasion.
  • Your toothbrush size depends on your mouth and teeth. You want your toothbrush to be able to reach all the spots in your mouth.
  • Either a manual or electric toothbrush can effectively clean your teeth.

Knowing how to maneuver your toothbrush will help scrub away plaque and other substances you don’t want to stick to your teeth and gums.

Follow these techniques to improve your tooth-brushing technique:

  • Position your toothbrush along your gumline at a 45-degree angle.
  • Carefully brush your teeth back and forth to remove plaque.
  • Reach the back of your front teeth by positioning your toothbrush vertically and gently brushing up and down.
  • Clean all the areas of your mouth, including the inside and outside of your teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums.
  • Take your time brushing your teeth and make sure you cover all the techniques.

Correctly brushing your teeth will further your knowledge of how you can keep your mouth healthy.

Floss Regularly and Properly

Flossing your teeth is a crucial aspect of maintaining good oral health. You can clean food debris and plaque that’s gotten wedged between your teeth. Removing these substances with floss prevents oral diseases and keeps your breath fresh.

Like toothbrushes, you’ll find a variety of floss styles and flavors. Generally, any floss you have will do the trick. Your flossing technique is more crucial than what kind you own.

Follow these tips on how to correctly floss your teeth:

  • Take a long piece of floss — approximately the length of your hand to your shoulder — and wrap each end around your middle fingers.
  • Hold the floss between your index finger and thumb.
  • Bring the floss between your teeth and hold in a “C” shape around the tooth.
  • Move the floss from the top of the tooth to the bottom around two or three times.
  • Floss both sides of your teeth, and remember to reach back and clean your molars.

You can floss your teeth before or after you brush your teeth. But, if you want to increase your chances of preventing oral disease, floss before you brush. After your floss your teeth and remove all the debris, your toothbrush can take care of anything left.

Toothbrush Maintenance

A clean toothbrush makes your oral hygiene habits more effective and reduces the number of bacteria living on it

Some people neglect to take care of their toothbrushes. A clean toothbrush makes your oral hygiene habits more effective and reduces the number of bacteria living on it.

Maintain your toothbrush by following these tips:

  • After every use, thoroughly wash your toothbrush clean of any leftover toothpaste or debris.
  • Put your toothbrush away in an upright position to allow it to dry. Refrain from placing your toothbrush in a case while it is still wet.
  • You should be the only person using your toothbrush. Shared toothbrushes can transfer bacteria between people.
  • Replace your toothbrush around every three months, or when the bristles wear down.

A well-maintained toothbrush will benefit your daily teeth cleaning process.

Visit the Dentist Regularly

It’s smart to establish consistent oral hygiene habits and take the necessary steps to have a healthy mouth. However, even if you have the best teeth cleaning routine, you need to check in with a dentist at least twice a year to examine your teeth and gums.

Regular dental visits can identify and prevent oral diseases. The dentist can gauge your oral hygiene habits and give you tips on keeping the inside of your mouth healthy. It is essential to visit your dentist if you’re experiencing any abnormal pain or notice anything wrong with your oral health.

During the dental exam, the dentist will look for issues that can affect your overall health:

  • Tooth decay
  • Cavities
  • Gum condition
  • Bite and spacing of teeth
  • Previous dental work condition
  • Inflammation or bleeding
  • Condition of facial bones

Along with completing a visual examination of your mouth, the dentist will ask for an updated medical history and list of any medications you are taking. The more your dentist knows about your overall well-being, the more accurately they can assess your oral health.

Regular teeth cleanings are also an essential part of your dental visits. A dental hygienist will remove plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth and walk you through the brushing and flossing process.

Schedule Your Next Visit With Inglewood Family Dental

How do you keep your mouth healthy? Make your oral hygiene one of your top priorities. Continue progressing with your oral health habits and schedule your next dental visit at Inglewood Family Dental.

The team at Inglewood Family Dental is proud to offer dental work in Calgary, Alberta. We offer treatment options that will fit your needs and help maintain excellent oral health. We welcome all new patients and offer extended hours to accommodate your busy lifestyle.

Make your next dental appointment with Inglewood Family Dental. You can book a consultation online or call us to schedule.

Schedule your next visit with Inglewood Family Dental

About Author

Dr. Arash Ravanbakhsh is a skilled Calgary dentist passionate about oral health. Graduating from the University of Alberta, he brings advanced dental knowledge to Inglewood Family Dental. Dedicated to patient care, Dr. Arash also volunteers his time on dental missions, improving oral health globally.