Dental Cleaning v/s Periodontal Maintenance

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Dental Cleaning

Your dental health impacts your general health, which means that the former is more significant than you may realize. Getting routine cleanings by a dentist in Calgary is one way to maintain excellent oral hygiene. But how does this treatment vary from periodontal maintenance?

Let’s find out.

What is a Regular Cleaning?

Prophylaxis, or a routine dental cleaning, is a form of preventive care. You should have at least one or two cleanings done each year to help avoid more serious problems from developing. Before the treatment starts, your dentist will examine your mouth for any indications of conditions including abscesses, cavities, or cancer. The dental hygienist is in charge after they have made sure everything is in order.

Your teeth will then be meticulously cleaned. Through the use of specialized tools that won’t damage your teeth, they’ll remove bacteria, plaque, and tartar. With their instruments, they will also remove any minor stains that might be there.

What is Periodontal Maintenance?

Although it varies from regular cleanings in several ways, periodontal maintenance is fairly comparable to routine cleanings. Patients dealing with periodontal (gum) disease usually need to go back every three to four months so their dentist can monitor their health. 

The hygienist will extract tartar during SE Calgary periodontal therapy, much like during an ordinary cleaning. They’ll reach your gums in the spaces between your teeth. Scaling and root planing direct to this and will also look at the pockets in your gums. The dental hygienist will wash the region with an antiseptic to assist with cleaning and treating any infection or rash if they notice it in these pockets.

Key Differences Between Dental Cleaning and Periodontal Maintenance

Routine cleanings are accomplished as a preventative treatment, whereas periodontal maintenance deals with any oral health issues that are already present. The primary differences between these types of treatments are described below. 

  • Periodical Cleaning

This is important care, as was previously mentioned. This indicates that you are free of periodontal disease and that your teeth, gums, and bones are all in good health.

It’s crucial to never skip an appointment with your dentist near you because routine cleaning is done to maintain your oral health. You must also visit frequently because missing appointments can result in plaque, tartar, and bacterial growth. It can cause periodontal disease as a result.

  • Intensive Cleaning

Consider massive cleaning as the next step that is necessary when routine cleaning is inadequate. If your dental health is excellent, you won’t need a deep cleaning because periodontal maintenance is only required for those who have periodontal disease. Deep cleaning is done to halt the progression of periodontal disease. Attending your deep cleanings is crucial since, without them, the disease can wreak havoc on your overall dental health.

It may even reach a stage where it is irreversible. This means that there is little you can do to regrow healthy tissue if you are in danger of losing your teeth due to receding gums. You can only prevent your gums from downsizing further by taking action.

The Importance of Professional Dental Care and Regular Check-ups

Periodontitis treatment is essentially to treat a gum infection. The infection can spread if you don’t take action. Thus, it not only has the potential to harm the soft tissues in your mouth but also to cause tooth loss.

Among the signs of periodontal illness are:

  • Swollen gums 
  • Gums in vivid red or purple
  • Easily bleeding gums and gums that are painful to the touch
  • Poor breath
  • Grueling chewing
  • Between your gums and teeth, there is pus
  • Missing teeth
  • Growing spaces between your teeth
  • Recessed gums

As we previously stated, your dental health is important to your overall health. Periodontal disease, on the other hand, is a sign that your general health isn’t that great.

Therefore, be careful to continue periodontal care as per your periodontist in Calgary’s advice.

Let Us Help You Maintain the Health of Your Teeth

Making it possible for us to control gum disease for our patients makes life simpler and makes it possible for everyone to retain a healthy smile in our dental clinic. Call us at Inglewood Family Dental to make an appointment!

About Author

Dr. Arash Ravanbakhsh is a skilled Calgary dentist passionate about oral health. Graduating from the University of Alberta, he brings advanced dental knowledge to Inglewood Family Dental. Dedicated to patient care, Dr. Arash also volunteers his time on dental missions, improving oral health globally.